“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
Dr. Seuss
The Story...
The Story...
This was before I knew what was about to happen, Josh was a little distracted....
It happened December 22, 2010! We are up in SLC and Josh and I were driving around when he asked if I was hungry. He wanted to get Subway and hot chocolate and drive up Millcreek Canyon and have a "Subaru Picnic". So, that's what we did. It was beautiful, tons of fresh snow. We bundled up in the back of the Subaru with the back open so we could see out. When we were done we were cuddling and all that and Josh said, "Oh, I forgot something" that is when he pulled the ring out of his secret Subaru compartment. Of course, I started crying. He said, "This has been a little adventure, but I was wondering if you would go on a big adventure with me." (Side note: ever since our 3rd date we've been calling our dates/moments/dating "adventures") He then put the ring on and said, "Janelle Baugh will you be Janelle Willis?" And of course I said "YES". Through a flood of tears! The ring was beautiful, so shiny in the sunlight. Josh was afraid it wouldn’t fit, but it was a perfect fit and felt like it always belonged there.
See the white box? That's the ring!